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Why The Internet is using two addressing schemes (IP and MAC) instead of a single addressing scheme?

Why The Internet is using  two addressing schemes (IP and MAC)  instead of a single addressing scheme? 

The Internet is made up with different layers of the internet protocol suite.A Mac Address is the physical address of network interface assigned by manufacture. It isused to bring information to that computer on Layer 2 of the OSI model.Since MAC address scheme is flat addressing scheme If the internet is made up only using flat addressing scheme identification of a host would have been very inefficient.

IP addressing scheme is hierarchical in nature, so identification of a host is much efficient. IP addresses are used on layer 3 and using the network portion of the IP address you will first identify which network the host is in and then with the host portion of the IP address you will find the exact host within that network. If internet have to use only IP address since IP address are signed manually to each device,it require higher infrastructural cost to implement such a network will be a drawback.

The IP addresses and Mac Addresses are used in tandemly in internet .IP addresses are used on layer 3 to identify machines throughout different networks efficiently .Even if your computer has an IP address, it still needs a MAC address to find other machines on the same network. Address Resolution Protocol is used to link the two together by resolving IP Addresses to Mac Addresses within the Link Layer within a single network.

Since every layer of Internet is using underlying layers by using both IP and MAC addressing schemes combinedly it gives higher overall efficiency scalability and cost effectiveness to the Internet.



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